Monday, December 21, 2015

Random Fortification - Episode 1

I decided to take the leap and try my hand at making videos.  I actually have a degree in this stuff, but haven't made movies since analog linear editing was state of the art.  For now I'm just using my iPhone's built in mic and camera as it's actually much better than what I was trying to do with a blue tooth headset mic and the same camera.  I plan future upgrades for hardware including a dedicated video camera, a lav mic, and a shotgun mic.  I also need to get the lighting sorted out where I'm going to be doing most of my shooting.  Lots of stuff to do, but I wanted to get episode 1 in the can and on the screen to both encourage myself and start getting some feedback.

In this episode, I talk a little about my plans for the immediate future of the shop in general and show off my "floating shelf" stock rack that uses lap joints, hidden flush mounts and strong ties.  I have an idea that I can augment what I do here, on the blog, with the videos, or the other way around.  For example: I thought about drawing up a cross section of the floating flush mount cut with dimensions and putting it here along with the video.   Does that sort of two-part media seem useful or better than just a blog + vlog?  I'm curious to know what people think.

So here it is:

UPDATE: unfortunately, due to a court ruling in 2018 that exposed every Youtuber to litigation due to the way Youtube utilized ad data, and a law passed in California putting content creators on the line for tens of thousands of dollars in potential restitution, I have elected to pull all of my youtube videos. Sorry for the loss of content. They kind of sucked anyway. :-)
Please let me know what can be better. I listed the things I can think of but a good film maker listens to his constructive critics.


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